Overcome with curiosity about Tony Boombozz's new Montanaro, "Louisville's "FIRST and ONLY fried pizza," we made a trip to the Taphouse at Bardstown and Eastern to try one. We really like Boombozz's pizzas, and I love how this location has a separate entrance, cash register and dedicated parking spots for takeout orders.
They describe the Montanaro like this: "Not to be confused with deep-fried state fair fried creations, the authentic Italian pizza features a flash-fried crust that’s sauced, topped with fresh mozzarella a single topping and baked until crispy and golden." After reading that, relief washed over me. I had previously envisioned something that never should have been deep fried in the first place, like a candy bar or stick of butter, made more disgusting by a crust of icky oil and crunchy cholesterol. Thank God, I thought - not another monstrosity of whatever-the-hell, plunged into the deep fryer only to be pulled out and grimly displayed.
pizza is a delight. One of the most satisfyingly crisp and chewy
crusts I've had in ages. The sauce has a little zip to it, and the
dollops of fresh mozz provide creaminess. Strips of fresh basil and a
dusting of parmesan cheese top the pie.
- Vampin' Lady True Confession: These pizzas are really just enough to serve one person, with maybe a piece left behind if you're not a huge eater. The first time we ordered the Montanaro, we did not know this. The second time, we got smart and ordered one for each of us. I made a simple salad to go with them, and it all made for a great dinner.